Our Difference

We’re a children’s dental practice in Greenwood who ONLY treats children, adolescents, and individuals with special health care needs, providing a unique dental experience for all kids.

First Visit

During your first visit, we review the patient’s medical and dental history. Dr. Ashish will examine your child’s teeth and depending on circumstances, a cleaning and fluoride application will be performed. It is also possible that certain x-rays may be taken.

However, the most time will be spent engaging the child and the parents to put them at ease and answer any questions they may have. We will go over oral hygiene and dietary recommendations. We will discuss any recommendations we make so that you are comfortable in understanding why we make them. We may suggest a referral to another specialist and explain the reason for this.

What Can You Expect at Your Child’s First Appointment?

Ready to Meet Our Pioneer Valley Pediatric Dentistry’s Dentist?

We look forward to meeting you!

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Our Location

Pioneer Valley Pediatric Dentistry
51 Church Street
Greenfield, MA 01301

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We will do our best to accommodate your busy schedule. Request an appointment today!


Office Hours

Winter: Mon-Fri 9:00AM to 5:00PM

Summer: Mon-Fri 8:30AM to 4:30PM

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